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Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:46 pm
by MD
The bloke who owned this engine in the original donor car needs a pull though with brick. Totally clueless about changing the oil and using engine flush. If this poor engine didn't get a broken head gasket the idiot would have driven it for the next 400 000km on the original oil. Unbelievable !
Check out his handiwork.

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:46 pm
by KevinR
Really glad you gonna boost this engine ! What’s gonna be ... turbo or supercharge :) Make no mistake their is more than enough power in there to be unleashed . What capacity you looking at there ? Edit : I see it’s 1.8 . Way to go .. just need to find out what where to get those Head gaskets the man who has no name uses .. hint some say he likes olives :)

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:44 am
by MD
Yo Kevin,

I originally intended to install this engine with modified specs to do the job. Wasn't meant to be. In the present after market ECU climate basically cannot accommodate it economically for a privateer. So I am moving onto some old school technology. For now I am sitting on the fence about which way to boost but boost it has to have.
Since I have to source parts from a few places including Europe and the US, I am dreading the problems that the darn Corona Virus is going to play in all my plans including my personal survival.
It all seems a little pointless at the moment because going to the track means attending a safety briefing usually in some shitty confined room where there is close contact with all the drivers and a perfect place to pick up an infection.
I could be all dressed up with nowhere to go... :shock:

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:13 pm
by 75evo
Why don't you race this car with an Alfa nord engine? Good chance you'll win uncontested. #CoronaBug

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:15 pm
by Jim K
What a nice title... 'Final resting project'! Still polluting the site with dumb projects you will never finish at your age and condition... I have tried to tell you its no use! Besides the fact that when you 'race' you're the only driver with a calendar instead of a lap timer, you should forget about cars and change hobbies; like making friends with carpenters, learning all about different kinds of wood starting with ...pine (and how much it costs). And don't worry, nobody will ask for a fire extinguisher system and you won't spend anything on tires and brakes -there are none. And -to be original- use the Alfetta lump you bought as a headstone... :lol: :wall:

Jim K.

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:13 am
by KevinR
Hilarious!! Jk, that should fire up Geppetto to get this 75 to standard acceptable by most carpenters ! Maybe he could even call his project “big woodie”

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:04 pm
by Jim K
Hahahah, don't say 'woodie', it reminds him of what he could do when he was 17 years old! :oops: :lol: :mrgreen:

Jim K.

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:17 pm
by MD
Hahahaa funny shit guys.

I think I have missed my opportunity to write a unique book.
I was thinking of giving it an interesting title. Something like, "Arseholes I've Met and Quantum Verbal Diarrhoea"
A challenging concept to get your head around but it has a definite ring to it no matter how brown that may be.

A lunacy interlude is always welcome and I think we are known for it here. Keeps boredom at bay and the readers from nodding off due to the speed of progress on projects.

Greaser. A special note for you. Chalk this up on your garage white board.
STOP PRESS " MD holds record pace in the pits". :lol:

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:29 pm
by KevinR
:D :D :D :D :D
Jokes aside .. MD, if a little progress like 10mm weld is happening please post as we’re all basically working from home and need to see progress to keep sane :)

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:15 pm
by MD
Yeah hi mate,

Moving onto the constructive..
I am hoping somebody can put me onto a source of the parts in the attached photos. I've got the super ferret from Dutchland looking for me but I don't want to wear out my welcome so pitch in guys. Cannot make further progress on my transmission install until I score this stuff.

Either post here or a PM either is fine with me. I 'm thinking the US had lots of 3 litre units exported there, perhaps the US members can have a look in the spare parts box... ??

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:18 pm
by 75evo
Let me ask Larry at Alfa Parts exchange if he has those. Usually people don't look for those so I'm guessing he has a bunch. Will let you know the price.

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:48 am
by Jim K
Why is it so difficult to make two such spacers on the lathe and then place on a divider head for the holes? I imagine there are plenty of good machine shops in Oz as well as suitable iron bar chunks. As for the bolts, look in most hardware catalogs. They are not the cheapest due to size and pitch but they are available. Haven't known you to give up so easily before! 8) :mrgreen:
Jim k.

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:43 am
by MD
Thanks fellas.
Just my luck. The price of AUD is getting near half it value just a week ago. Crazy times.

Cannot say I disagree with you Jim. If I had lathe, I would do it myself. Actually one of the hardest things I have to face locally is the lack of small machine shop businesses. Everybody has gone upscale. Yeah, sure buddy we can make that no problem. Just give us your CNC codes and how many hundred thousand units do you want again?

There are many "one -off " things that I customise in the process of building my own spec racer and the absence of these facilities is really testing my patience.

How stupid is this? I can buy those Allen key bolts of the correct diameter, pitch and tensile strength. Only problem is that they are 10mm too short at one end :shock: Searched Oz wide and no go. If I have to, I will use 10.8 tensile and get conventional hex head bolts. I think that may be possible. However the couplings have to be OEM. Our hardware stores do not sell industrial quality bolts (ie. high tensile, exotic pitch, allen head etc) Such specialist outlets are few and far between.

An absolute worse case scenario will be to install my 2 litre shafts and couplings which I have a full set of but I am thinking Alfa upgraded everything when they moved the power up for a good reason.

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:01 am
by 75evo
Yeah I remember the days when the AUD was low, maybe almost 2:1, back in early 2000ish when I brokered a deal with a few friends and bought 10 (TEN) Autronic systems from Joe Beninca, He and I became best friends after that :lol: . But yeah he always answer all my questions for the past 20 years :D

Oh yeah Larry got back to me he has everything email me I can probably get it out to you once they've lifted the travel restrictions.

So these M10x60mm are rare? Arethey as rare as toilet paper rolls at the store? That's pretty rare these days. :mrgreen:

Re: "Patches" MD's Final Racing Project

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:37 pm
by MD
Good work 75 EVO. Keep this up and my Dutch connection is going to have to hand over the prized ferret guernsey for sourcing parts !! :D :D
Mate, that email is melting internet submarine cables on its way to your pad while you are reading this.

To put the brakes on the run of date rolls, the government is going to have to put a corkage tax on it. No shit ! The individual sheets are now being traded as currency. :D