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Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:19 am
by alex.n
Hey all

I've been checking out this site for a while, only just joined!

I got a GTV6 about three and a half years ago, had it for 18 months and it got stolen and wrecked! So I bought another that had a slight bit of damage on the front, and am going to make one out of two. I'm just wating for my dad to put up his new shed with a hoist so I can get to it!

We have one stripped ready for paint, got to decide on a colour now!

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:34 am
by Fernando
Hi Neil,

Welcome back to the fold.Sorry to hear you also had a GTV stolen.I had my second one stolen while visiting my girlfriend.Was then forced to drive a VW Polo for a whole year. :evil: Now I know why VW stands for Virtually Worthless... :D Most boring piece of rubbish you could hope to drive.

My next GTV6 was in Giallo Fly Yellow and I am quite partial to the colour on an GTV6 if it's done correctly.So good luck with your choice mate.

Tell me,the car in the pics is that your current baby or the one that was stolen ?

I take it the buggers who stole it crashed it ? I remember when I was still a teenager,we stayed next to this road that had one serious corner that just lent itself to taking it quickly.Well one Friday night I get woken up with the familiar sound of squealing tyres and metal being crunched.Go out to see one very wrecked red Ferrari 308GTS which two car thieves had just trashed! :shock: Still kept the airvent from it as a memento with the Ferrari emblem on it.Weird how I still remember the sparks coming off the Ferrari's underside as they tried to tow it away.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:38 am
by Fernando
Alex appologies for putting your name as Neil in my first post :oops:too much going on at work while trying to post a reply... :wink: .

Checking out the site is a form of stress releif at times. :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:16 am
by kevin
Who honestly in their right mind steals Alfas. Fernando this story of yours about having to use a Polo reminds me of last week Thursday when four #$%@^ followed my Dad back from the bank in a green VW Polo, to my workplace. When my Dad(71yrs old) got out my 164 which he has been using temporary, these four @#$^ jumped out put guns to his head in front of us and took the cash and the 164 keys in case we did decide to chase them. It was probably a good thing they took the keys because I would have chased them and probably done something stupid like i did two months ago when I stoped Hijackers with the rear tow bar on the 164 by jamming on breaks really hard in front of my van which they(@#$#%) just stole.
I got pics on my phone. If you got mms I will send you a pic.
And I thought it was safe to bring my Alfas to Australia. Hope thats isolated Alex. Is it joy riders or people looking for Alfa spares?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:22 pm
by alex.n
hey fellas

S.A. sounds like a worrying place! I have heard a lot of nasty stories.

The one pictured is the one that got stolen, it was stolen simply for joyriding and so the scum could get home. It happened in Hobart (Tasmania) in Aus, they normally steal more common cars so they can get parts, but mine was just for fun. :evil: They steal the car and drive it close to their home, take what they want, dump it and set it on fire. They only took the stereo as far as I can see. The suburb these people live in is the kind of place that you could napalm and noone would miss it, or miss the people there.

The silver one was set on fire, all the interior is gone, most of the plastics in the engine bay are gone, and the firemen made a big dent in the windscreen sill trying to get the bonnet open. I've spoken to a few bodywork places and apparently it was a fairly cool burn, only a tiny bit of warping on the roof. The sad thing is that it was a pretty nice example, no rust, really neat interior and a really nice body. It was an early 85.

The white one I bought I haven't driven or anything, just stripped it to nothing and am deciding which shell to use! It had hit a power pole and had a nasty dent front and centre, a bit of bodgy repair around the sunroof and rust here and there. It is either a late 85 or and 86, I can't remember, I havent seen either car for about 8 months (I have moved interstate for uni).

My dad has just purchased a nice big shed with a hoist which he is putting up as I type this. I'm going back to hobart in a couple of weeks and will start on the big project that lies ahead!

Speaking of crap cars, I got a 33 to drive when the GTV was stolen, it blew a head gasket, then caught on fire the day before I was going to replace all the crappy cloth fuel hoses! I pretty much dumped that where it stopped. Then my girlfriends uncle gave me a 1980 toyota hilux that has been an absolute dream, not a problem in the 14 months I've had it, and it's not like I have given it an easy time!

Cheers for the intrest

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:23 pm
by Rookie ROX
Gee - you hear the stories of carjackings in South Africa every now and then, but you always hope that it's just exaggerations!

That does suck about the first one though, I have to agree with who in their right mind steals an Alfa? They're not "cool" like a Nissan Skyline, nor are they that exotic like a Ferrari, and honestly we've paid more for parts for a '90 Ford Falcon then we have for our 75s! I feel a little bit of your pain, I had a set of 17" wheels from a 147 that I'd had fitted to my 75 for 5 days when they were stolen off the car, after taking me 4 months to get them bored out, and find & save money to decent tyres! :evil: The joke was on them considering they wouldn't fit on any other car :roll:

Anyway very nice example, seeing as you've got the 16s, wouldn't know someone whose parting with a set of '3-holer' 17s? ;)


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:27 pm
by SydneyJules
Kev... Ive never heard of it in Sydney before- especially up around where you were looking at- my guess is joyriders- I dont really know any alfa people that would steal for spares

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:12 pm
by alex.n
Yeh it was definatly joy riding, no "bogans" here drive alfas, it's all Holdens and Fords.

Rookie ROX: have you checked out this place?

That's where I got mine, But definately not for the price they are listed on there as!

Thats over double what I paid!

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:57 pm
by Rookie ROX
Hmmm I've always had a personal vendetta against Mille Miglia, but maybe it's worth sending them an email..

They've been trying to sell the ones I want for $1690 without tyres on Ebay for almost 12 months now, I originally paid $400 for my set from a Mag Repair shop on the Gold Coast, used, but he'd professionally cleaned them and they looked brand new. So obviously I'm reluctant to consider forking out over four times what I originally paid *shrugs*


Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:14 am
by Fernando
Hi Kev,

Thanks for the call last night.I have MMS on my cell so please send the pics.Here at work we had a special talk with an expert on hijakings due the number of incidents taking place with our reps.Race has no bearing with these pieces of human excrement either anymore.

We have just had another family from our company who have immigrated to Adelaide last Tuesday so they can at least offer their daughters some form of safety.Crazy I tell you. :cry:

For those of you who don't know,Kevin's gorgeous 3 litre carby model was featured on the front cover of one of our local car mags called Topcar alongside the new Brera. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:06 pm
by x-rad
Are these useful??? Burned flesh smells like burned steak......