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Post by 75evo »

I read about the bill being table, but never heard anything about a change in frequency of smogging. I smogged my car about 2 months ago.
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Post by SlewofDamascus »

I was listening [dutifully] to KQED this morning and our local personality (Krazny), who has a 2-hour show, was interviewing local, lifetime politician Loni Hancock-Dem (her husband is Tom Bates, Mayor of Berkeley, ) and her political colleague and now rival for the state legislator, Wilma Chan-Dem.

Both woman spoke about the "new" emissions law, ever-proud of the fact that their efforts at bringing environmental "reform" had resulted in such sweeping legislation.

What it is, is another tax.

There is a new test that went into effect this year, targeting vehicles from 1995 and earlier, it's some kind of fuel line pressure test. One attendent told me that 3 of 4 vehicles, 1995 and earlier, state-wide, were failing this test (I'm not sure about the veracity of the comment).

In any case, this test was not a required test when the car ws manfactured and is thus patently unfair (a concept that politicians routinely ignore), and furthermore it's value to the environment is an absolute joke.

Forget what the oil companies are doing to every single person in this country (and beyond)............forget that the supply of diesel fuel (now $5+/per gallon), the fuel that drives our nation's economy, has been artificially (illegally) depleted through the closing of refineries, and that no new refineries have been built in this country in over a decade.....................

Something profound occurred when Californians got gouged during the gas fiasco a few years ago: the oil companies realized that people didn't riot, or loot, or do anything except complain, mutter under their breaths, and so on.

This revelation has apparently spurred the biggest rip-off of the American people since Teddy Roosevelt went trust-busting. Can you imagine the scope of the crime? It's mind-boggling. It's a never-ending sieve, that goes ding-ding-ding every mintue of every day, bringing wealth to a few at a rate that has no historical comparison.

I am a capitalist, and proud of it, but let's get real. There is a reason we have regulations, just as there are reasons we have laws (of all kinds). A very good reason. A handshake doesn't cut it anymore. Why should anyone trust Exxon or Mobil, or BP? In my opinion, the ongoing rip-off of the American people is the transcendent issue of our time. Just my opinion, of course.

Meanwhile, tax-payers are left with yet another task to perform, another 1/2 day wasted from their lives (forget the $100), and the environmental footprint has probably been increased by the law (when all the unintended consequences are factored in).

This is our state. This is our country (even Texas :P ).

(never give up)
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Post by Zamani »

I went to a test only station and the guy didn't have the suitable cap for the Alfa, so he skipped it. He is not a "blind" station, he is 100% legit. So we are safe from that. Just that the yearly thing is very irritating.

One thing I found was the smog machines did not quite read the same. I went for a pre-test and passed no problems. Then I went to my test only center and I passed, but just barely, and that was only a difference of 20 minutes. Pretty sure the weather didn't change that much in 20 minutes. My mechanic told me about the varying results between shops and I didn't believe him until I experienced it myself.

I'm now seriously thinking of getting one of those portable gas analyzers from Snap-On (about $2.5K).
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Post by mjr »

Damascus, welcome to normal motoring for all of us in Europe!. You are lucky to have got away with it for as long as you have in the U.S.A There's no sugar coating what you motorists are about to suffer in the USA over the next few years, as you fast catch us up in Europe. Your rosey period of cheap fuel and lax legislation motoring is fast coming to and end.

The draconian schemes coming your way, have been normal place for a long time in most of central Europe, as well as high fuel prices, thanks in some part to the keoto treaty, which the USA will be forced to fully adopt in the next few years, as the fuel crisis unfolds, and the US continues to loose its grip on supplies.

$5.00 a gallon for diesel is an absolute breeze my friend!..savour it while you are able.. try almost $12.00 a gallon in the UK, and at the extreme end of the spectrum, $15.00 a gallon in Germany. Really, try France, Italy, germany, Sweden or UK, where we pay a 75+% federal surcharge on ALL fuels! You lucky motoring folks in the USA have a long way to go before you experience real pain. If only we had to 'just' contend with supplier price increases! for Europe that would be heaven.
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Post by SlewofDamascus »

Great points, MJR!

That governement involvement has been true for some time in Europe. I, too, wondered when we would have to succumb. However, what's occurring now in the US is nothing like what has made fuel prices skyrocket accross Europe, because one is obviously socially-driven, while the other is driven by the fluctuations of a private, capitalist industry (in theory).

I have absolutely no idea about how goods are transported in the UK (or the EU in a broader sense), but in the US - if you want to talk about Draconian - our transportation system is dependent on trucks (Diesel) and trains (coal), mostly trucks, which is why all the containers that come via our ports (exports mostly) are truck containers, and the same is true for the train network - so wherever the trains wind up, trucks will be picking up the given payloads.

I know $5.00US/gallon is nothing in the UK, but in the US economy that amounts to a serious threat to owner-operators (where this increase has come right out of their pockets and off of their familiy's dinner table), and the marked increase in diesel fuel is quite a lot more than a mere annoyance to the Teamsters. It's a serious concern.

Consumers who own diesel cars (I have one) are furious - furious that refineries were closed in order to artifically deplete the supply and raise prices - diesel was always cheaper, for good reason. Where's the competition? When you can manipulate supply, you have no competitors. The collusion is obvious.

Paying lawful taxes is one thing, being ripped off another.

Exxon reported a 44 Billion dollar profit for the last quarter. That's one company. For one quarter.

I am at the point where I support emergency taxation on these profits, something I consider to be one of the most severe actions that can be taken by a government on a private corporation. But 44 Billion is insane. Put a 60% tax on the profits. 26 Billion or so multiplied by 4 quarters, so about 100 Billion per company per year. A trillion dollars could help some people - hell, it could build some refineries! As much as I hate the idea of government interference, I truly believe a drastic step is necessary.

There is quite a social system in the UK (and in central Europe), I suspect (don't know) that some of the fuel taxes or surcharges go into that social system. In that sense, it's patently more fair. I have no idea where that 44 Billion of Exxon's will be spent, but I can guarantee that no significant part will be toward the true Public Good.

I had some other points, but I think I'm getting more than a little preachy :roll:

I just think 44 Billion is a sickening profit, especially considering from whom it is being taken (hardworking people).


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Post by SlewofDamascus »


Does that term strike a chord with anyone in terms of how the rear end feels when accelerating hard through the given turn of a tight slalom, whilst yet to gain full traction from the entry maneuver, for example? The rear sort of resetting itself (gracefully) into the chosen line?

Either that, or God is messing with my suspension :?


I removed the rear license plate shroud and it cleaned up okay, I will post pics soon(ish). I will put that up in the for sale section (could probably use a sandblast/powder coat). I don't know if the prexisting holes on earlier models are sufficient or instead require some tinkering.

It loooks better without the shroud, imo, but it's stylish and sharp with it, too ($$$).

I think I blushed writing that last line :oops:

No, jk, it was a good option for GTV-6 owners.

Last edited by SlewofDamascus on Sat May 31, 2008 1:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by SlewofDamascus »

If you're thinking is this his manic phase :?: give yourself a Gold Star :) :( :) :( :) :( :) {unless you're in the profession, of course}


crash ya' later

yes, Madge, that was a double entendre
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Post by SlewofDamascus »

Greg, I wanted to tell you, by the way, what a great job you did tuning the GTV-6! You are an L-Jet Master, sir. It's a true pleasure to drive.

Given my aggressive driving style, the gas mileage was better than I expected (25mpg). I started measuring when I got back home from Ok. My driving since then has consisted of approximately 40% street and the rest "highway" miles (using a broad stroke for the "highway" miles, Highway 128 for example). I drive 80+mph on the freeways where possible. I drive the other stuff agressively where possible. 25 seems scary good to me. I've had two monitored fill-ups (we've been to Mendocino, 350 miles, and Santa Cruz, 140, specifically), with a third on the way pretty soon. The two results I have thus far are eerily similar (within a tenth or two-tenths), probably because of the similar terrain and driving technique (or applied driving style :)

I use regular unleaded, btw. I should mention I have the incredible GG air intake system and a full later-edition Pandora's Box treatment (ty G)
and also the full SS stebro system (terrible fit!) w/ double cats (first comes the beautiful note, then the growl - in spite of every bad financial experience I had with Stebro and "Dan" and it was beyond belief bad - f'd up bad - I wouldn't trade the system. The sounds are too addicting. And the performance - Mama mia!).

Thanks a bunch.

Last edited by SlewofDamascus on Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:28 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by mjr »

Your car looks great!. the interior looks really comfy and modern. The colour is very unusual too. Values for these cars are really starting to rocket over here, one like yours would be worth about $11,000!
interesting about the poor stebro fit. That's a shame, its such a superb souding system, yet all I hear about is the crap quality. Stebro used to make full stainless systems for the GTV6, but they were about $1800 for a full system. ouch!
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Post by SlewofDamascus »

Thanks, MJR, nice of you to say!

Well, the system is still SS, and it can be had for $1500, maybe less, that's assuming everything went as expected. If you are buying from Stebro I highly recommend that you demand cod. He left me high and dry holding the bag for $1500 (for a spider exhaust that I bought with the GTV-6 system, but ended up not needing). 5 months later, after endless, impassioned pleas, the bastard sent me a check for $1k. Honestly, I felt lucky to get it, and a man of his ilk surely knows that (which is why he sent that amount). I'll never see the other $500. I know that.

Also make sure you expressly demand that shipping is to be to your door. He has a history of sending shipments to airports, where the customer (hello) has to fork over more money to get the agent to do the "paperwok" to release the package from customs.

The shit sounds good and performs well (which probably explains his apparent good health).

That's that (he said, brushing his hands back and forth, as if to clean off the dirt).

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Post by mjr »

As much As I would love a stebro SS throughout for the sound, I wouldn't deal with the guy in a million years. I approached him a few years back, and he was luke warm to say the least, and appeared put out, that I had pestered him to supply a system and ship it. At that point I lost interest.

I am thinking about getting a local shop to replicate the factory oem system in stainless, but with slighly bigger back box, and no centre section. It just depends on what it is going to cost. My wallet is starting to flinch, with the continued glancing blows I have subjected it to in the last 12 months of the GTV being up on axle stands in the garage, being restored. If I don't get it back on the road within the next 6-8 weeks, I think I might develop a seriously nasty attitude problem. Going cold turkey for a year without the GTV is an unpleasant experience :shock:
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Post by SlewofDamascus »

Don't feel bad.........I made so many $$$mistakes on this project. I am in debt up to my eyeballs :lol: This project may have literally bankrupted me.

So, hang in there, and follow a good plan.

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bumpsteer: ground born turbulence

Post by SlewofDamascus »

The first time I experienced bump steer was driving this GTV6 back to Oakland from Oklahoma.

My very first instinct was to put a death grip on the steering wheel, which I promptly did. This did not pan out too good, and when I came to after hitting my head on the roof I resolved to quit that. Now I simply ride the wave with a super light grip and there are no worries. Of course, this was a particularly nasty road condition that included a severe dip. And, of course, if a turn is being negotiated when the unpleasantries occur, a firm grip is obviously necessary.

I definitely don't want to make any modifications that would increase the bumpsteer any further, so I will have to be careful here.

I wanted to make a point about how well this GTV-6 tracks. It is so solid on the road, I can take my hands off the wheel for 1/2 a minute or more and it tracks straight and true, dead solid. For high speed stability (over 100 mph), Bob and I decided that he would go for a neutral approach, and thus the toe-in/toe-out is roughly neither (neutral). I took it to 115 yesterday and it did not misbehave. In any event, the feel of the road right through the steering wheel is like a religious experience, and it is like nothing I have ever experienced in an automobile.

This project has only just begun, my hope is to make it a little bit better every year.


Last edited by SlewofDamascus on Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:24 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by SlewofDamascus »

I just received a Ultraviolet Heat Shield that I ordered 6 weeks ago, which fits above the dash to cover the windshield, it's GTV6-specific, bought from IAP and is a coverking brand (I think, I will double check). ... =p&pid=277

Before you go out and buy a universal cheapie, I would recommend considering this product, it is extremely well made, I was pleasantly surprised (having owned others); it will last the lifetime of the vehicle (I have zero doubt), it has its own cover and fits neatly in the trunk or wherever. While probably twice the price of a cheapie, it has about 10 times the value, I would guess.

2 cents.


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Post by SlewofDamascus »

Could someone please explain the following measurements, what the real world meaning is of a coast down?

Strictly curiousity, the graph is from a Callaway GTV-6 brochure; I've never heard of this.



Road horsepower @ 30 mph .....................................5 hp
.....................................50 mph ....................................13 hp
.....................................70 mph .................................... 31 hp
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