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MS in a 3.0 75 - noob

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:24 am
by jazig.k
iv been looking at the MS for a little bit now, but im still totally in the dark about how everything works and its installed... treat me like iv never heard of MS...

anyway, my car is a 1988 l-jet 3.0 75, currently stock. one day i plan to supercharge it, but not for a year or two. its my daily driver and may not hit the race track, but i love to push the car on the streets.

what kind of benifits are available with MS on a stock 3.0?
from what iv heard the AFM is removed, which is a benifit itself.
is it worth the trouble installing it for a stock engine?
what are the things id look at buying for the ms?

how hard is the tuning? iv never even looked at tuning a ecu, and dont know some of the terms used either... id love to learn to do it myself though.
what programs or equipment would i need? dyno, a/f gauge etc?

if you have any links to a 'how to' that would be great!
thanks ahead.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:51 am
by Murray
Jazig k. Steve Rosser's write-up on this site is a first stop for you.He built an MSI but the basics apply to MSII as well .Steve's tuning maps will also be of great use for you as his is a 3.0L as well (mine is a 2.5L).You should try to get an old ECU from which you can use the plug to integrate the MSII into the L-Jet wiring.You should also plan on purchasing a wide-band O2 sensor such as Innovate Motorsports LC-1 because this will make tuning and diagnosing MUCH easier.

Removing the AFM removes the most restrictive part in the intake path and it will add HP. & Torque - just don't expect to be doing wheelies :lol:

Tuning has become quite easy with new software available on the MS site - "Megalogviewer".It allows you to drive around,log all ECU parameters and then will automatically adjust your fueling tables to match your desired AFR from a 12 x 12 table.
The documentation on the MS site is fairly straightforward - step by step.I have built two MSII's and am very satisfied.
Come back with any questions.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:06 am
by tImBoWe
Hey Zig, I too are a novice at this ECU thing but so far I've learnt quite a bit. The soldering skills have been sharpened considerably also. I am building the MSII kit at the mo. Fairly straight forward, but I have appreciated Murrays kind help on a couple of occasions. Usally when there are a couple of different procedures that may not suit our type of engines. This is a great way to learn about how modern fuel injection works and it is fun. For the small outlay required I totally recomend MS.