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Rouge posters / Spammers

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:47 pm
by Zamani
These spammers are probably turning people off.... actually maybe turning some on... hehe

We really need to tackle this issue. I've banned a few already, but there is no way this is going to stop.

My suggestion is, in addition to the graphical letters,why not (as per Mike Harris' idea, ask a basic transaxle question. The question SHOULD NOT be multiple choice because then eventually spammers will find the answer.

The question should be something like:

Transxle cars have ______ mounted rear calipers .

Then the registration will be subject to administrative review.

This sounds like a lot of work, but I think it will be less work than banning spammers and deleting posts. I mean it's not like this is a Honda forum where 100 people a day wanna register.

What do you guys think?

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:50 pm
by Barry
Anything!!! Ill even help..gimme deleting powers and Ill help..anything..!!

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:54 pm
by Barry
Transaxle cars have a ----------------- mounted gearbox..

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:06 pm
by patzo_3l
Henry Ford once said " when you see an alfa drive by, take your hat off and _ _ _ _ _ _".

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:40 am
by Michael
So, I installed a nice code MOD which looks like it might solve the problem of the damn spammers once and for all! In addition, Zamani and I will not need to scrutinize each application and accounts will be immediately created.

Log out from your session, then click "Register".
See the new Antibot addition?
You have to reply, in English (not multiple choice) to the question:

"What type of Alfa Romeo is illustrated in the picture below?"

An admin can enter several responses considered valid (like 'gtv', 'gtv6' or, in this case ' the best gtv6' :lol:)

Certainly a spambot would not be able to come up with the correct reply but I need your help to create many more questions which someone who knows Alfas will know the response to, but spammers (who might be manually registering) will struggle with (and move on to another forum).

Send me your questions with answers (and images) via email ( and I'll add them so we can have a good collection of questions for new registrants (each new registration attempt will cause one random question to be posed - I just added this one easy one to test with).

Note that the questions cannot be too difficult else newbie’s will not be able to answer and will be excluded from the forum (with we don’t want!).


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:02 am
by Barry
Nice one Mike..what car is that btw?? :D :D

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:09 am
by MR2 Zig
Just a thought :shock: , but how about making the first topic a bogus one, one that we don't use? It seems that the spammers always (unless I'm missing something ) put their garbage in the first topic (performance) that we all like to read....put performance in the #2 slot and use the #1 slot for the spam (call it wht you will) so that we don't run into the spam while trying to go faster :) .


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:28 am
by Barry
Well,hopefully this will now stop or at least limit the amount of spammers there should not be a neccesity for a seprate box. love the way the sex adds go into the "performance "section.. :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:49 pm
by x-rad
Patzo....What's the answer???

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:42 pm
by MD
I know the rest of it x-rad..

Henry Ford once said " when you see an alfa drive by, take your hat off and walk into the nearest showroom and lay the hammer down on that Thunderbird"

I'm absolutely positive about that. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:21 pm
by Barry
MD wrote:I know the rest of it x-rad..

Henry Ford once said " when you see an alfa drive by, take your hat off and walk into the nearest showroom and lay the hammer down on that Thunderbird"

I'm absolutely positive about that. :D
Hahahahahahaahahah!!!!! Damn,thats good.... :D :D

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:10 pm
by patzo_3l
salute. he said take your hat off and salute. he was so impressed with the alfas at the time. now come on md why would someone wana lay down the hammer on a thunderbird, have you seen the size of those things you could park 4 alfas in the front seats alone and still have room for the spare gas you need to carry around in the rear. ok heres another one, dunno if it is entirely true or not but heard it from someone who used to work at the factory back in the day....when enzo ferrari left alfa and set up on his own he said...."it felt as if i was killing my mother"...obviusly it woulve sounded much more poetic in italian but thats basically among other things the jist of what he said. and by the way that quote from henry ford...its in a few car history books as well if you search you will find it so if you ever need a good comeback in an argument its always a good one to come back with especially if the guy your arguing with drives a ford.
:D :D :D

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:02 am
by x-rad
MD: I love it!

I am in the heart of Ford country (Detroit) and I hardly ever see cool old foreign cars!! American cars have power. But, with few exceptions, they have no soul........This is just a fact of mass production, lack of artistic design, and poor construction and construction materials. There is just no beauty in a stamped steel valve cover....

Some of my exceptions GT-40, Viper, some corvettes, etc..

This whole city is set up like one big piece of graph paper(a 30 x 30 mile grid which continues well into the suburbs, and beyond..) with all the people going to work like cogs on an assembly wonder designers can't think outside the boxes!

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:18 am
by MD
Thanks x-rad. I see you need a mamogram of the cranium too. :D

patzo don't be too concerned. I knew the answer like most Alfa lovers know the answer. It's just my bent sense of humour. OK?

We all get so intense about our cars we often do not leave enough room in our thinking to actually enjoy the moment. I like to inject a bit of the ridiculous just to help you (and me ) do that.

If you think some of my humour is funny when you're reading it, you should see the cack I'm going through when I'm typing it !!

Take it squeezy. :D

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:56 am
by patzo_3l
yeh we are all the same we get so involved in our cars its not even funny. lol i actually do enjoy your humour and you should see the cack i go through when im reading it. lol i guess we are all in the same boat. i like to call it 'romeo's ark'.

cheers big ears! :D